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Ultimate Guide to Tartaglia in Genshin Impact: Build, Age, and Secrets Unveiled

Explore the depths of Tartaglia from Genshin Impact, including his age, height, and the best strategies for utilizing his abilities in-game. This comprehensive guide covers everything from obtaining Tartaglia to optimizing his build, providing insights on his character design, ascension materials, and the voice actor behind this intriguing character. Whether you're looking to enhance your gameplay or just curious about Tartaglia's details, this guide has you covered.

Published in , · Feb 08

Ultimate Guide to Tartaglia in Genshin Impact: Build, Age, and Secrets Unveiled

Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact: An Overview

Tartaglia, also known as Childe, is a formidable Hydro element main DPS character in "Genshin Impact," known for his versatility in both sustained and burst damage roles. Introduced in version 1.1, Tartaglia continues to be a significant force in the game's meta. His talents prioritize Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst over Normal Attacks for optimal damage output. Tartaglia's unique attack mode, initiated through his Elemental Skill, transitions his fighting style from ranged to melee, emphasizing the strategic diversity he brings to any team.

Additionally, his Hydro-related abilities allow for effective elemental reactions, further enhancing his role in combat scenarios. Tartaglia's Elemental Skill, "Foul Legacy: Raging Tide," changes his normal attacks to Hydro-infused melee strikes, showcasing his adaptability in battle. His Elemental Burst, "Havoc: Obliteration," causes massive Hydro damage, demonstrating his power as a Hydro archon in disguise. At 19-21 years old and standing 5'11" tall, Tartaglia's character design and voice acting add depth to his role within the game's narrative.

Talent Analysis for Tartaglia from Genshin Impact

When it comes to leveling up Tartaglia's talents in Genshin Impact, you wanna focus on his Elemental Skill first, then his Elemental Burst, and keep his Normal Attack in the loop but not as a priority. Here's the scoop on how to maximize Tartaglia, also known as Childe, in battle:

  • Normal Attack: Charged shots and Riptide Slash apply a weak Hydro status (generating 1 point of Elemental Energy, lasting 9.5 seconds), while Riptide Burst applies a strong Hydro status (generating 2 points of Elemental Energy, lasting 12 seconds). A fully charged arrow that hits an enemy will trigger the "Riptide" effect, diving deep into the mechanics of how Riptide works. Each instance of Riptide Slash deals three bouts of Hydro damage, adhering to the rule of "applying an element every other attack within 2.5 seconds," which means out of the three hits, only one will apply the Hydro element; Riptide Burst's Hydro application has no internal cooldown, triggering with every hit.
  • Elemental Skill (E): The cooldown for Tartaglia's Elemental Skill is "the duration of the skill's effect + 6 seconds" (you can cancel this state by pressing the skill button again or switching characters). If Tartaglia uses his Elemental Skill and stays in the field for 5 seconds, the cooldown will then be 11 seconds. Activating the skill while moving won't trigger a pre-cast animation, and there are no plunging attacks in melee mode. Melee attacks after using the Elemental Skill still count as Normal/Charged Attacks, benefiting from set bonuses like the Heart of Depth, weapons like the Rust bow, and can trigger passives from characters like Xingqiu, Yanfei, and Beidou. In terms of attack strategy, it's recommended to mix 1 to 4 normal attacks with a charged attack (like 1A>Z, 3A>Z, 4A>Z), depending on what feels best for you, as the DPS difference is minimal. Melee attacks post-Elemental Skill activation don't snapshot stats. Each Riptide Slash or Riptide Strike generates one Hydro particle, with a cooldown of 3 seconds. Generating particles via Riptide Slash/Strike shares a cooldown.

Advanced Tactics and Mechanics for Tartaglia in Genshin Impact

The activation of Tartaglia's Elemental Skill (unleashing weapons made of pure water) applies a strong Hydro status (generating 2 points of Elemental Energy, lasting 12 seconds), while melee Normal and Charged Attacks, along with Riptide Strike, apply a weak Hydro status (generating 1 point of Elemental Energy, lasting 9.5 seconds). Melee Normal Attacks follow the rule of "applying an element with every other attack within 2.5 seconds," and Charged Attacks adhere to this rule as well, but since Charged Attacks deal damage in two stages, each one applies the Hydro element. Every Riptide Strike will apply Hydro.

Now, let's get technical with Tartaglia's skills, especially his Elemental Burst (Q). This move, known as Foul Legacy: Raging Tide, slaps on some serious Hydro damage. And if you're using his ranged attacks, you might even get some energy back, keeping those big moves coming. Ever find yourself asking, "Why does my screen go black when I unleash Tartaglia's Burst? Is it a bug?" Nope, just part of the charm (or, well, maybe check your settings).

Onto Tartaglia's talents, which are where things get spicy. With talents like "Never Ending" unlocked, you can extend the Riptide effects on enemies up to a whopping 18 seconds. But remember, some talents don't boost other players' attack levels in co-op mode.

Riptide Mechanics Breakdown:

Tartaglia's unique because of his Riptide effects. There are four ways to trigger Riptide:

  • Charged bow shots on marked enemies.
  • Melee attacks that crit after unlocking the "Sword of Torrents" talent.
  • Defeating a Riptide-marked enemy, causing a chain reaction.
  • Hitting an enemy with his ranged Elemental Burst.

Different attacks lead to different Riptide damages. Charged shots trigger Riptide Flash, dealing Hydro DMG in bursts. Defeating marked enemies causes Riptide Burst, spreading the effect. Melee hits lead to Riptide Slash, and his melee Elemental Burst ends with a bang, triggering Riptide Blast, which uses up the mark but deals hefty damage.

Tartaglia's Weapon Choices in Genshin Impact

When it comes to dishing out damage, Tartaglia is as versatile as they come. His attacks range from melee strikes and Hydro-infused "Riptide" slashes to devastating Elemental Bursts. This guy's a powerhouse, making weapon choice crucial to maximize his potential.

For teams packed with attack buffs (think Bennett or Kazuha), you'll want to lean towards weapons that boost Crit Rate or Crit DMG, since these buffs often come from artifacts or weapons themselves.

Weapon Highlights

  • Amos' Bow: Boasting a base attack of 608 and a Crit Rate of 33.1%, it's a beast. At refinement level 1, it boosts damage from Elemental Skills and Bursts by 12%. Plus, hitting enemies with attacks adds "Ominous Stars" stacks, cranking up your attack power by up to 48%.
  • Skyward Harp: With a base attack of 542 and a whopping 88.4% Crit DMG, it's a crit machine. Its passive at refinement level 1 increases HP by 16% and damage by 20% when enemies are nearby, whether Tartaglia is on the field or not.
  • Stringless: This bow's base attack is 608, and it offers 66.2% Crit DMG. Its passive boosts attack by 20% and grants "Thunderous Sigil" stacks, which can ramp up normal attack damage by up to 80%.
  • Viridescent Hunt: Sporting a base attack of 542 and a Crit Rate of 44.2%, this bow's unique. Landing a charged attack grants "Endless Hunt," increasing charged attack damage based on your Elemental Mastery. This buff disappears after 12 hits or 10 seconds but can be triggered every 12 seconds.

Optimal Bow Choices for Tartaglia in Genshin Impact

With Tartaglia, gearing up with the right bow turns him into a Hydro nightmare for your foes. Whether you're unleashing charged shots or drenching enemies with his Elemental Burst, Tartaglia's ready to make a splash on your team. And if you're on the hunt for Tartaglia's ascension materials or curious about his birthday for that sweet, sweet character bonus, diving into Teyvat's lore and challenges will get you there. Plus, snagging a Tartaglia figurine could be the perfect way to show off your dedication to Genshin Impact's most intriguing Hydro archon.

  • Skyward Harp: With a base attack of 674 and a crit rate of 22.1%, this beauty isn't just for show. The Skyward Harp boosts crit damage by 20% at refinement level 1 and up to 40% at refinement level 5. Plus, it has a chance to smack nearby enemies with an AoE physical damage attack, making it a top pick for Tartaglia's Genshin Impact build.
  • Viridescent Hunt: Sporting a base attack of 510 and a crit rate of 27.6%, this bow has a knack for crowd control. Its ability to create a vortex that pulls in enemies and deals damage makes it a solid choice for Tartaglia, especially considering his versatile playstyle.
  • The Stringless: This bow boosts elemental skill and burst damage by 24% at refinement level 1 and 48% at refinement level 5, with a base attack of 510 and elemental mastery of 165. It's perfect for those who love to exploit Tartaglia's elemental prowess.
  • Rust: With a base attack of 510 and an additional 41.3% attack power, Rust amplifies normal attack damage while slightly reducing charged attack damage. It's ideal for players who prioritize rapid, consistent damage.

Mastering Tartaglia's Weapon Damage in Genshin Impact

When it comes to optimizing Tartaglia's arsenal for maximum Hydro havoc, here are some pro tips to keep in mind:

  • When using the Rust, focus on normal attacks instead of charged attacks to maximize damage output, given its unique passive that boosts normal attack damage while reducing charged attack damage.
  • Always opt for weapons that offer crit rate/crit damage boosts first. These are crucial for maximizing Tartaglia's damage output. If those aren't available, Rust is a great alternative, despite its charged attack penalty.
  • Tartaglia's melee attacks won't trigger the passive effects of slingshots, so it's essential to plan your weapon choice according to the combat role you envision for him.
  • The passive effects of Royal weapons don't mesh well with Tartaglia's optimal combat strategies, especially in combination with characters like Venti for double spread reactions. This is because Tartaglia needs to switch out after applying Hydro, but Royal weapon effects are lost upon switching.

How to Get Tartaglia in Genshin Impact

Unlocking Tartaglia means waiting for his banner to roll around. Knowing how to get Tartaglia in Genshin Impact involves patience and a bit of luck with your wishes. Keep those Primogems ready!

Building Tartaglia: Artifacts and Tips

When it comes to the Tartaglia Genshin Impact build, the waters get a bit deeper. The debate on the ideal artifact set for maximizing Tartaglia's damage output is as vast as the ocean he commands. Some swear by the Heart of Depth set, while others mix and match for that perfect crit rate and crit damage balance. Here's a quick dive into the sea of options:

  • Artifact Sets: The Hydro set (Heart of Depth) is a go-to for boosting Tartaglia's hydro damage, but don't overlook the value of a good old "2+2" mix. Combining two pieces of the Hydro set with another set can tailor Tartaglia's build to your play style, whether you're focusing on attack, mastery, or a balance of stats.
  • Sub-stats Priority: Aim for a crit rate between 75%-85% for reliability. Crit damage should ideally sit between 160%-220%, depending on your weapon choice. Attack percentage and elemental mastery follow in importance, enhancing Tartaglia's damage and elemental reaction capabilities.
  • Weapon Choice: Tartaglia's weapon arsenal is flexible, allowing players to equip him with bows that complement their chosen artifact sets and playstyle.

Tartaglia's Ascension and Birthday Trivia

Hunting for Tartaglia's ascension materials? Prepare to venture across Teyvat for boss drops and local specialties. And don't forget to celebrate Tartaglia's birthday by sending him on an expedition for that sweet double reward.

Collectibles: Tartaglia's Figurine and More

For the die-hard fans, the Tartaglia Genshin Impact figurine is a must-have. Displaying Tartaglia in his Archon outfit, it's a collector's dream and a testament to your dedication to the game.

Tartaglia's Constellation: Unlocking His True Potential

Tartaglia's constellation primarily enhances his own damage output. Even at C0, Tartaglia has a complete damage mechanism, with each constellation level optimizing his damage cycle further. C1 reduces his Elemental Skill cooldown, improving the fluidity of his rotation; C3 increases the level of his Elemental Skill, boosting his melee damage; and C6 allows him to reset his Elemental Skill's cooldown with each Elemental Burst, enhancing his ability to swiftly alternate between burst damage phases.

In essence, Tartaglia is a powerhouse right from C0, seamlessly integrating into team compositions and leading the charge with his Hydro attacks. For Tartaglia enthusiasts, leveling up his constellation can significantly enhance his performance.

Getting Tartaglia

How to get Tartaglia in Genshin Impact is a question on many players' minds. Tartaglia is a 5-star character obtained through the game's gacha system, featured occasionally in the limited-time event wishes. Keep an eye out for his banner if you're aiming to recruit this Hydro powerhouse.

Building Tartaglia

For those lucky enough to have him, building Tartaglia requires focusing on his strengths as a Hydro DPS. The Tartaglia Genshin Impact build often includes artifacts that amplify Hydro damage, like the Heart of Depth set, enhancing both his normal attack and Elemental Skill. His ascension materials can be found throughout Teyvat, emphasizing the need for Hydro-related items and those tied to his lore.

Team Composition

Now, let's talk team comps. A killer lineup featuring Tartaglia would be him alongside Xiangling, Bennett, and Kazuha. This team leverages the double Pyro for increased ATK and Tartaglia's Hydro abilities to trigger Vaporize reactions frequently. The strategy revolves around applying Hydro with Tartaglia, followed by Pyro from Xiangling or Bennett to vaporize, and Kazuha can spread these elements further while boosting elemental damage with his swirls.

Combo Breakdown

Tartaglia uses his Elemental Skill to apply Hydro. Bennett uses his Elemental Burst for an ATK boost and applies Pyro. Kazuha can use his Skill and Burst to spread elements and enhance damage. Xiangling follows up with her Gouba and Burst for additional Pyro application. Loop back to Tartaglia for powerful Hydro-Charged or Vaporize hits.

Extra Tips

  • Tartaglia's Elemental Skill is key for applying Hydro efficiently.
  • Energy Recharge is crucial for Bennett and Xiangling to ensure their bursts are ready when needed.
  • For Tartaglia, equipping the "Dreams of the Depths" set enhances his role as a main DPS. Meanwhile, Bennett benefits greatly from the "Noblesse Oblige" set to maximize his burst's utility.

Vibrant Vinedom: A New Team Setup

Now, let's talk about the explosive team setup known as "Vibrant Vinedom," featuring Kazuha, Tartaglia, Nahida, and Bennett. By swapping Xiangling for Nahida, this lineup excels in triggering Swirl reactions with Kazuha, combined with Tartaglia's Hydro applications for Vaporize, and leveraging Nahida's Elemental Skill to cleanse the Three Realms. This combo generates Dendro cores with Nahida's skills and Kazuha's Pyro-infused ultimate, leading to a spectacular display of area damage.

This strategy highlights Tartaglia's AOE damage potential, alongside Nahida's cleansing effects and Kazuha's ultimate for high damage output against groups of enemies. The key to maximizing this team's damage lies in stacking mastery for Kazuha's ultimate.

While integrating Nahida into what's affectionately known as the "International Windblume" lineup adds a fresh twist, it's generally recommended to stick with the original team composition for consistency. However, for those looking to experiment, this strategy offers an exciting alternative.

As for combat tactics, a recommended sequence involves using Tartaglia's Elemental Skill, followed by Bennett's Elemental Burst, then Kazuha's Skill and Burst combo, with Nahida's Skills to set up Tartaglia for a powerful finishing move. For those using the "Blizzard Strayer" set or aiming to stack buffs with "Dreams of the Dandelion Gladiator," timing and skill sequence are key to maximizing damage output.

Nahida can also opt for a Dendro set to enhance the Burst reactions, focusing on maximizing Elemental Mastery for the highest damage potential.

Other Playstyles

Demon King Armament

Combining Tartaglia with Xingqiu, Beidou, and Fischl creates a dynamic team. Before the ultimate "Wanderlust Invocation" team composition takes the stage, Tartaglia can trigger Beidou's Thundering Might with his Elemental Skill, enhancing continuous dual-element output with Xingqiu and Fischl. Xingqiu's Rain Swords boost Tartaglia's resistance to interruptions, while the double Electro resonance optimizes Beidou and Xingqiu's cycle. The team's damage primarily focuses on direct hits, supplemented by Electro-Charged reactions. This playstyle serves more as an extension of Tartaglia's capabilities, taking a backseat to the "Wanderlust Invocation."

Pure Hydro Playstyle

With Yelan's introduction, there's an increase in on-field direct damage dealers. Teaming up Yelan with Tartaglia can yield impressive output. However, compared to the dual Pyro team, this approach is less recommended and more for those dedicated to exploring various fun compositions with Tartaglia.


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