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Mastering Furina's Gameplay: Best Team Compositions and Synergies in Genshin Impact

Discover the ideal team compositions and character synergies for maximizing Furina's abilities in Genshin Impact. This guide covers various strategies, focusing on elemental reactions, support roles, and energy recharge to enhance Furina's gameplay.

Published in Elemental Reactions, Furina · Jan 31

Optimal Team Compositions and Character Synergies for Furina in Genshin Impact

Furina, a dynamic character in Genshin Impact, excels when paired with characters that complement her abilities and playstyle. The key to maximizing Furina's potential lies in understanding her skills and finding the right team compositions and synergies. Here, we explore some of the best team setups for Furina, focusing on different playstyles and strategies.

Elemental Reaction Teams:

  • Electro-Charged Team: Pairing Furina with an Electro character like Fischl or Raiden Shogun creates frequent Electro-Charged reactions, boosting overall DPS. Furina's ability to apply her element quickly synergizes well with Electro characters, making for a high-damage output team.
  • Freeze Team: For a control-focused approach, teaming Furina with a Cryo character like Ganyu or Qiqi can effectively freeze enemies. This setup allows Furina to deal sustained damage while controlling the battlefield.

Support and Healing:

  • Bennett: Bennett's fantastic voyage provides healing and an ATK bonus, which significantly enhances Furina's damage output while ensuring survivability.
  • Shield Support: Characters like Zhongli or Diona offer shields, adding an extra layer of protection for Furina, allowing her to fight aggressively without much concern for her health.

Energy Recharge and Burst Synergy:

  • Venti or Sucrose: These Anemo characters can gather enemies and reduce their elemental resistance with the Viridescent Venerer set. This setup amplifies Furina's elemental damage, especially during her burst phase.
  • Xingqiu: Xingqiu's rain swords not only provide additional Hydro application but also grant damage reduction and healing, enhancing Furina's overall combat effectiveness.

Ultimately, the best team for Furina depends on the player's individual style and the challenges they face in-game. A balanced team that supports Furina's strengths and compensates for her weaknesses will yield the best results in both single-player and co-op modes.


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