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Maximizing Primogem Earnings in Genshin Impact: A Complete Guide

This comprehensive guide explores various strategies to earn Primogems in Genshin Impact. It covers daily commissions, adventure rank rewards, Spiral Abyss challenges, story and event quests, achievements, in-game events, exploration, Starglitter and Stardust exchange, Welkin Moon Blessing, and the Battle Pass. The guide provides tips for both free-to-play and pay-to-play players to maximize their Primogem earnings.


Comprehensive Guide to Earning Primogems in Genshin Impact

Primogems, the coveted in-game currency of Genshin Impact, are essential for obtaining new characters and weapons through the game's gacha system. Earning Primogems can be achieved through various methods, both for free-to-play and pay-to-play gamers. Here's a detailed breakdown:

  • Daily Commissions: Completing the four daily commissions is the most consistent method. Each commission grants Primogems, and completing all four unlocks a bonus reward.
  • Adventure Rank (AR) Rewards: Increasing your AR by completing quests, discovering waypoints, and clearing domains rewards you with Primogems.
  • Spiral Abyss: This end-game content refreshes periodically, offering Primogems based on your performance and progression.
  • Quests: Story and Archon quests, upon completion, offer substantial Primogem rewards. Additionally, keep an eye out for event and side quests.
  • Achievements: The game has a variety of achievements that grant Primogems upon completion.
  • In-Game Events: Genshin Impact frequently runs events that offer Primogems as part of their rewards.
  • Chests and Challenges: Exploring the world and unlocking chests, completing challenges, and solving puzzles often yield Primogems.
  • Starglitter and Stardust Exchange: While primarily used for buying other items, these currencies can occasionally be exchanged for Primogems.
  • Welkin Moon Blessing: This is a paid option where players can purchase a monthly subscription that gives daily Primogems.
  • Battle Pass: The paid version of the Battle Pass offers Primogems among its rewards.

Tips: To maximize your Primogem earnings, participate regularly in events, keep up with daily commissions, and explore the game world thoroughly. Remember, while purchasing Primogems is a quick way to acquire them, the game provides ample opportunities to earn them through gameplay.


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